Payment Request Form

We are currently updating Bandeyri Pay. Some agencies might not be available in the form below. If you encounter any missing agencies, please visit

Please note that in the new form below, you will not receive an email when you submit the form. Instead, you will only receive a Request Number. Once the request is approved, you will receive an email with the invoice.


Payment Purpose

Selecting auto-approved purposes leads to automatic approval of the payment request, while rest of the purposes requires manual approval.


Welcome to
Bandeyri Pay!

BandeyriPay is the portal for making online payments to government agencies

With BandeyriPay:

  • Make secure, easy and quick payments.
  • Avoid physical visits to agencies and queues.
  • Supports BML, MIB and M-Faisaa.
  • You can pay to various agencies, please directly contact with the respective agency to check and ensure before making any payment.
